How to Stop Overthinking from Ruining Your Life: 33 Methods for Women to Defeat Anxiety, Negative Thoughts, Worry, Stress, and Panic Attacks



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How to Stop Overthinking from Ruining Your Life: 33 Methods for Women to Defeat Anxiety, Negative Thoughts, Worry, Stress, and Panic Attacks File Type Pdf

eBook includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version


DESCRIPTION BOOK : This is the age of the brain, and way too many of us have let it rule our lives in very dangerous ways. Here’s how to change that: Do you lie awake obsessing about your day? What you did or said that might have been wrong, or what you might be facing tomorrow? Do you believe you can think your way out of any problem if you just apply your mind hard enough? How many random, worrying thoughts do you think you have every day, about stuff that never happens, or isn’t even real? No wonder you are stuck in a stress spiral. It only takes a few of these thoughts to tie your gut in knots, send your heart racing, and put a complete stop to any sleep. Over 75% of 25 to 55-year-olds struggle with overthinking , and about 52% of those above 55. That’s a lot of people spending a lot of time and energy on something that is not only unhelpful… but downright bad for them. It can lead to major depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other serious health issues like heart problems, high blood pressure, digestive upsets, and more. Too many of us spend way too much time in our heads obsessing about stuff we don’t need to. Are you ready to finally break free from this torment? In this supportive and practical book, you will discover: The benchmark for overthinking – Do you have a problem, or is this just normal? How to put a stop to a racing brain How the brain can mislead and confound even the smartest of people The upside to overthinking – if you can’t stop it, you may as well point it in the right direction The easiest way to get out of the dwell well, and how to avoid falling into it in the first place The secret Jedi mind tricks to calm yourself instantly What you need to do to get rid of your negative inner critic and that pesky imposter syndrome for good The easiest ways to make tough decisions How to set up workable support systems to help you keep overthinking at bay Healthy habit hacks that will help you easily apply and use these practical tools and methods How to focus your mind, no matter what is going on around you How to never feel socially anxious, no matter what the event or situation And much more. You may have tried a bunch of things already. You may have been told that your mind is beyond your control, but that is simply not true. The mental mastery tricks, tools, and tips in this book explode the myth that we are at the mercy of our minds. In fact, with the right approach, you never need to spend another sleepless night worrying about things you have no control over. Maybe more thinking is not the answer to overthinking! Sometimes you just can’t think your way out of a problem that you spent most of your life behaving your way into. But there is another way to solve the overthinking dilemma – and this book has the answers. Discover the secret to mastering your mind and make overthinking a thing of the past: Scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now. Read more

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